Operating Procedures Manual

Chapter 5. Board of Trustees/Governmental Relations
Section 5.1. Board of Trustees
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5.1.4. Including Items in the Board Agenda


Board Agenda Items: Written topics included in the agenda for the Board of Trustees meeting which are for the Board members' information or require action by the Board.


To have items included in the agenda for the Board of Trustees, do the following:

  1. At least four weeks prior to a scheduled Board of Trustees meeting, submit items in writing, with appropriate vice president/provost approval, to the secretary of the Board of Trustees.

  2. If not present at the Board meeting, contact the secretary of the Board of Trustees by calling 7-2318, to find out if the item was or was not approved by the Board.
Adopted: 09/14/2001
Revised: 05/04/2015 Board of Control is now Board of Trustees.
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