6.12—Supervision of Relatives

Effective: 05/26/2010
Senate Proposal: No
Responsible University Officer: Vice President for Administration
Responsible Office: Human Resources

Policy Statement

Supervisors of employees should not initiate or participate in University decisions involving a direct benefit to a member of their immediate family.

Policy Requirements

A supervisor must notify the Chief Human Resources Officer of the conflict of this policy.

Reason for Policy

Michigan Tech is committed to a policy of employment and advancement based on qualifications and merit. To avoid potential conflicts with this policy or perceived nepotism, the University prohibits the employee's supervisor to be a part of their immediate family (as defined).

The supervisor's supervisor, the appropriate vice president, or the president of the University takes, in the appropriate case, the supervisor's place in the decision-making process or appoints an alternate supervisor to participate in the direct benefit decisions.


Office/Unit Name Telephone Number
Human Resources 487-2280


Direct Benefit Decision - Initial appointment, retention, promotion, salary, disciplinary, leave of absence, etc.

Supervisor’s Immediate Family - Includes spouse, children and step-children, parents and step-parents, foster parents or foster children, siblings, in-laws (mother, father, brother, sister), grandparents and grandchildren, legal guardians, other dependents, or significant other (an individual with whom an employee has had a continuing personal living arrangement that has existed over an extended period of time).


Chief Human Resources Officer - Evaluates the case of conflict with the supervisor's supervisor, and determines appropriate alternate supervisor, if needed.

Supervisor - If normally involved in University decisions, notifies their supervisor and the director of Human Resources of the conflict with this policy.

Supervisor's Supervisor - Evaluates the case with the Chief Human Resources Officer to determine whether or not there is a conflict and informs the supervisor of the outcome of the case review; in some cases, may become the alternate supervisor and if not the alternate, ensures the appropriate alternate supervisor is involved in the decision making-process; and when appropriate, processes appropriate paperwork to change supervisor.


In support of this policy, the following procedures are included:


Forms and Instructions

In support of this policy, the following forms/instructions are included:


Adoption Date

05/26/2010 Approved by VP for Administration.


04/10/2017 Transfer of policy page from HTML to CMS. Business and Finance numbers renamed from "2.6000" to "6. Human Resources". Specifically from "2.6012—Supervision of Relatives" to "6.12—Supervision of Relatives".
05/08/2012 To reflect current University titles and practice, MTU is now Michigan Tech and the email address for questions is now hbwebmaster.